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IP Cameras

Quality in means quality out. The only way to guarantee you will see a clear and accurate picture on your monitor is to start with a camera that is capable of feeding clear and accurate images into a video surveillance system. American Dynamics IP cameras do exactly that, giving you the best quality images each and every time - from our Illustra Series with advanced functionality to the Illustra Flex Series providing high quality, high resolution cameras at more affordable prices. Both lines offer superior resolution and low light performance.

Whether you’re looking for an easy, pre-packaged camera, high definition, PoE solution or a camera that provides just what your company needs without breaking the bank, American Dynamics IP cameras are an excellent choice for your security needs. Visit


Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy and Statement

This policy and statement make explicit our commitment to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of our business or supply chain.

Download policy.

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